3336BC0-000-R 290P175A10 C092402 Mitsubishi TV Remote Control P08294-C02 front
3336BC0-000-R 290P175A10 C092402 Mitsubishi TV Remote Control P08294-C02 back

3336BC0-000-R Mitsubishi TV Remote Control

Regular price $40.99 Sale

This Mitsubishi 3336BC0-000-R replacement remote has buttons for cancel, more, volume, mute, channel, enter, go back, page up and down, guide, menu, info, back, activity, and power.

 The 3336BC0-000-R remote control is for a Mitsubishi HDTV.

These are some other part and serial numbers that are underneath the battery cover on the 3336BC0-000-R remote: 290P175A10 C092402 P08294-C02.